Saturday, January 16, 2010

In my obsession with coupons and saving money (that is quickly growing out of control:) I ran across You are rewarded with digital dollars for using their search engine and shopping online through their site. There are also other ways to earn digital dollars like recycling old cell phones, gaming systems, and games. I love this one! Maybe I can convince my husband to get rid of a few of these things that are taking over the garage!

I downloaded their toolbar so I will use that instead of Google, although I am very devoted to the Google. You can cash in your digital dollars for rewards, the gift cards look promising. You can get a $5 gift card to several different places for 15-ish swagbucks or save them up (which my impulsive self is hoping to do) and get rewards like a $50 Sephora gift card for 975 swagbucks or even a $300 Apple gift card for 3700 swag bucks.

As you can see, I installed a very uncute widget on my page to earn extra swagbucks. I am having trouble tolerating the ugliness on my cutie cute blog but I'll try to be a big girl about the situation:)

I'll track my progress on here and we'll see how it goes!

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